Get Help

How to get help

If you need help from our foodbank there are a few simple steps to follow.

The most important step is to get a foodbank voucher.

In order to provide the most appropriate help for the circumstances of your situation we work with local agencies. If they feel you are struggling to put food on the table, they will issue you with a foodbank voucher. The local agency can also provide long term support if needed to help address some of the issues behind the reasons for your crisis. Agencies we work with include: Citizens Advice, housing support officers, children’s centres, health visitors, social services and some local charities.

1. Get in touch with us.

If you call or email our foodbank we can talk through your situation and put you in touch with a relevant local agency.

2. Contact a referral agency.

If you are in financial crisis, please call one of our Citizens Advice advisers. They can provide support and advice about benefits, debt, employment, housing, relationships etc, help you navigate the benefits system, and identify any additional grants you could be entitled to. If needed, they’ll issue you with a voucher so you can get an emergency food parcel.

If you live in Winchcombe or Bishops Cleeve area please call our free local helpline number on 0808 189 6280 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm) to talk confidentially with a trained adviser from North & West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice.

If you live in Stow, Moreton, Bourton or Chipping Campden area please call the free local helpline on 0808 800 0511 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm) to talk with a trained adviser from Stroud and Cotswold Citizens Advice.

If the local helpline is busy, you can call the national Help Through Hardship helpline on 0808 208 2138.


3. Visit your nearest foodbank centre with your referral. 

You can find a list of our local centres and opening times here. When you arrive, we’ll welcome you with a warm drink and our trained volunteers will chat with you about your situation. We’ll also discuss any dietary needs you may have and exchange your foodbank voucher for a parcel of three days of emergency food. We’ll also help to support you in any other ways that we can. Most of our foodbank centres offer a cafe style environment and our aim is to provide non-judgemental support at the point of crisis.

If you have any further questions our FAQ’s page may help, or feel free to give us a call.


Welfare support scheme

Gloucestershire County Council has extended the existing Welfare Support Scheme for a time-limited period to provide support to people and families in hardship as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The fund provides practical support to eligible adults and families for food, gas/electricity top ups and household items such as furniture including white goods/appliances and furniture.

The fund can provide:

  • Furniture; rugs/carpets; white goods
  • Essential household equipment
  • Gas/electricity
  • Rent in advance (when all other options have been requested)
  • Removal expenses
  • Food deliveries; supermarket vouchers
  • Cash when necessary
  • The Children’s Fund can also provide clothes

To view the eligibility criteria visit the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme’s website at:



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